How to create an onboarding kit for new employees working remotely?

onboarding kit gif

Imagine this scene: The HR people have finished the process of hiring new employees and now you have the incredible mission of creating the onboarding kit to integrate them into the company’s values ​​and culture.

And it’s very likely that this time the welcome kit can’t be on the desk and there won’t be the classic tour of the office either.

Remote onboarding is a challenge!

But we’ll show you here that as much as this distance exists, it’s super possible to welcome new employees into your team even during remote work.

We know how important it is to plan every detail to welcome new employees and to create different experiences that delight with the company culture.

What is an Onboarding Kit?

The welcome kit is one of the initial steps of the endomarketing strategy to promote the engagement and reception of new employees with the company culture, bringing a sense of belonging to the new team.

It can be fully adapted to represent the intention of the strategy, since retaining and engaging the employee is a joint work of HR, marketing and internal culture.

Promoting the engagement of new employees already in the integration process increases their chances of identifying with the company and can indirectly influence a lower turnover.

In addition to the classic office supplies to send home to new employees, it’s very important to also include other products that reflect your company’s culture.

It is very common for big brands to promote the company’s culture, inspiring in the new employee a feeling of pride with their welcome kit.

You must have seen professionals sharing unforgettable experiences in onboarding processes on social media, right?!

So amazing!

More than common custom items, swags have enormous potential to strengthen the values ​​of your company culture even while working from home.

Come learn more about what corporate swags are in this other post here!

Choosing Products for Your Onboarding Kit

Defining what types of company treats will materialize the onboarding kit in the onboarding process may seem like a challenging task at first glance.

How about starting from the principle that these products must be directly stamped with the values ​​of your company culture?

In this way, even with an internal audience from different areas and different profiles, it’s possible to make the onboarding kit universally welcoming to new employees.

Think about what message you wanna pass on with the delivery of this kit?

Here are some examples:

Madeira Madeira Onboarding
Product options that make people feel at home:

  • 01 Comfortable pair of socks with the brand’s mascot
  • 01 Cup with straw (so you don’t drop anything on the keyboard, lol)
  • 01 Basic everyday mouse pad
  • 01 beautiful notebook, with personalized first pages and a sticker card

Ideris Onboarding
Product options that make people feel safe. Inside or outside the house:

  • 01 Mask 100% sustainable cotton
  • 01 T-shirt
  • 01 Bottle of hand sanitizer
  • 01 Ecobag
  • 01 Pen
  • 01 Welcome letter

Think about the message, the purpose, the profile of your company’s employees.
What looks like them? What kind of message passes on the culture?

Here are some tips or ideas for the most popular products when it comes to Welcome Kit:

  • T-shirt
  • Mug or bottle
  • Pen
  • Notebooks or moleskine
  • Socks
  • Plush (yes, we develop the plush for your company’s mascot)
  • Mouse Pad
  • Ecobag or backpack bag
  • Welcome letter

Customizing your Onboarding Kit swags

Remember we mentioned about “custom prints with inspirational messages”?

It’s super possible to customize the products with your company brand and print inspiring phrases so that they look like your company.

Remember to go beyond just inserting the logo.

In this way, through the indirect visual elements of the brand(such as colors, slogan, values ​​and graphic elements), there is a greater chance that employees will use their swags in several occasions of their personal life rather than just with the logo stamped.

Besides that, a personalized letter with the employee’s name can pass on the welcome message with greater warmth!

Customization with variable data can be applied to some products, such as a letter, mug or even a t-shirt.

Organizing and shipping kits

We know that with the pandemic, remote work has become the new common and it’s no longer so simple to run there in the company’s storage, prepare the kit and leave it on the work desk to receive the new employee.

But with Yoobe there’s no crisis! In addition to helping you with the creation and production of the entire onboarding kit, we have the option of storage, pick and packing (logistics and kit assembly) and national or international shipping.

That’s right! We’re launching the Onboarding Kit Plan, which includes exactly all tasks that cost HR and internal marketing teams time. In this plan Yoobe takes care of:

  • 5 hours of design and creation help
  • Production
  • Logistics
  • Delivery
  • Storage
  • Full dashboard with:
    Onboarding product page, so that new employees can choose their t-shirt size, customize their badge or any other product, fill in the delivery address and secure their Welcome Kit.
    tracking page (for you to track all shipments in real time)
    tracking page for all Onboarding orders made
    NPS Score (send along with a kit, a QR code that points to a Queridometer of the action. With that, all employees can assess the Onboarding experience and you, the manager, can follow the NPS of the action

Let’s start creating your Onboarding Kit?

Did you like it and wanna start planning the most perfect Onboarding Kit for your company?
Click here to see more on this topic or schedule a demo with our Yoobe Team now!

From design to delivery, Yoobe takes care of and automates the entire swag creation process, worldwide! ❤️

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